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QMCA has welcomed today’s release of the Queensland State Infrastructure Plan and the Building Queensland Infrastructure Pipeline Report. As the leading body for Queensland’s infrastructure contracting industry, we look forward to helping to plan and deliver the key projects identified as being essential to the growth of our state.

QMCA, Chief Executive Officer, Jon Davies, believes that the State Infrastructure Plan and Building Queensland Infrastructure  Pipeline will both help to drive long-term beneficial outcomes for Industry and Queenslanders, “We live in the nation’s most decentralised state, so there must always be an emphasis on the delivery of major infrastructure projects that sustain the state’s economic growth, deliver essential services to our communities and enable Queenslanders to move freely and easily.”

“The State Infrastructure Plan and Building Queensland Infrastructure Pipeline will provide our members with increased confidence and certainty moving forward. Clearly defined projects, supported by fully costed business cases significantly increase the likelihood of projects being funded and therefore delivered.”

“Our sector is one that is used to boom and bust construction cycles, but a clear and transparent pipeline of major projects for Queensland enables our members to invest in people, capability and capacity.”

“Both the State Infrastructure Plan and the Building Queensland Infrastructure Pipeline will be welcomed by industry, however QMCA believed that more can be done to ensure collaboration and further remove politics from infrastructure,” Mr Davies said.

QMCA’s 2018 Major Project Pipeline Report identified a pipeline of projects worth close to $40 billion earmarked across the state. However, the stark reality contained in the report is that, 98 projects are awaiting funding commitments and 17% are unlikely to proceed.

Contained within the 2018 Queensland Major Projects Report are several recommendations that can be implemented to help create certainty, build sustainability and ensure that projects are planned, funded and delivered cost effectively, efficiently and collaboratively to the benefit of all stakeholders.

“By working together all stakeholders can ensure that Queensland has the infrastructure it needs, when it needs it, at a cost it can afford.”

“From improvements in planning, procurement and tendering, to investment in people, processes and technologies, there exists an opportunity to do things differently in Queensland and to create positive outcomes for all stakeholders,” Mr Davies said.

QMCA look forward to working collaboratively with Queensland Government and Building Queensland to ensure that major infrastructure projects are delivered affordably and efficiently across the state.

Our members.

Acciona Infrastructure Australia
Bielby Holdings
BMD Constructions
Civil Mining and Construction Pty Ltd
CPB Contractors
Decmil Group Limited
Fulton Hogan
Georgiou Group
John Holland
Martinus Rail Pty Ltd
McConnell Dowell
Seymour Whyte Constructions