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COVID-19 Resources

As part of our commitment to supporting our members during the current COVID-19 Pandemic, we have pulled together resources to help you navigate the challenging times and to support you with advice and relevant contacts who can help.

COVID-19 Guidance Note

Construction sites operating during the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic need to ensure they are protecting their workforce, minimising the risk of spread of infection and complying with the most up to date government directions. This QMCA guidance is intended to provide advice on measures that can be taken.

The management of the Covid-19 pandemic is constantly evolving, and the control measures are rapidly escalating. It is likely that Australian Government implemented controls will change faster than updates of this QMCA Guidance, so we recommend that our members regularly check the Government resources listed on this page.

Click here to download the Guidance Note

QMCA Government Discussions

QMCA Chair John Kirkwood and CEO Jon Davies participated in a number of Department of Transport and Main Roads Industry calls hosted by Minister Bailey, Neil Scales and Amanda Yeates.

Read more about call 1

Read More about call 2

Virtual Breakfast

Video of our virtual breakfast tomorrow featuring keynotes from Ted Williams of Piper Alderman and Matthew Smith of DWF on what you need to know regarding contracts and IR/HR during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Queensland Major Contractors Association (QMCA) CEO Jon Davies also provided details on discussions with government around major projects, an overview of QMCA activities and the latest news from across our sector.

Watch The Recording

Click here to watch the recording via YouTube

Download The Slide Deck

Click here to download a PDF version of the slide deck.

QMCA Brains Trust

When times are uncertain, we all have more questions than answers, so QMCA has put together a panel of experts from our membership who can help you answer the questions you have about your business.

Introducing the QMCA Brains Trust!


Simple, use the form below to submit your question.

We will send questions to our panel.

We will then collate and publish the question and responses on this page to help other members in a similar situation.

If the issue is complex or requires further advice, we will connect you with the relevant experts for a more in-depth discussion.


Stimulus Packages

Stimulus packages have been announced at a State and Federal level.

Here are the latest across each area:

Federal Government

State Government


Minter Ellison Legal Update

QMCA Members MinterEllison has created a website dedicated to the issues arising from COVID, and which contains a wide range of relevant information and is regularly updated – COVID19 Implications, Insights. Impact : https://www.minterellison.com/covid-19-implications-insights-impact.  Some of the articles included (which you can access from the above link) are:

  • Managing the effects on your workplace. Your top five questions answered.
  • Managing cartel risks arising from COVID19 responses
  • Travel bans, restrictions and self-isolation
  • Business continuity and software licencing risk
  • Supply chains and the impact of incoterms, what are your options
  • Putting Safe Harbour in the spotlight
  • Managing your insurance risk
  • Impact on international supply chains
  • Steps you should be taking now for managing your business and workers

CBUS COVID-19 Resources

QMCA member Cbus is here for you during this uncertain time. Their priority has always been to put our member’s interests first, and we continue to do so amidst this challenging environment.

This page provides key information for Cbus members and their employers. The fund is committed to ensuring no significant disruption to its operation and so has instigated the first stages of its business continuity programme.


Cbus, like a number of businesses, is thinking ahead to the number of ways COVID-19 might impact our service delivery to members and employers. We are closely monitoring all developments to ensure we can respond quickly and appropriately.

As information about COVID-19 and its relevance to Cbus becomes available it will be updated in this section. Please use this website as your primary resource for the latest information about your superannuation.

Useful Information

You can get more information on a range of topics by following the links or accessing the numbers listed.


For the latest advice, information and resources, go to www.health.gov.au

Call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.

The phone number of each state or territory public health agency is available at www.health.gov.au/state-territory-contacts If you have concerns about your health, speak to a doctor.

Mental Health

Discussions and concerns around the coronavirus outbreak and practising self-isolation can be stressful and impact our mental health and wellbeing. It’s natural to feel a range of emotions, such as stress, worry, anxiety, boredom, or low mood. Many people feel distressed by the constant news and overwhelming amount of information about the situation.

Head to Health is committed to providing Australians with trusted information and digital supports to help support everyone’s mental health and wellbeing during this pandemic. This page covers where to get the facts about the COVID-19 outbreak, tips for maintaining good mental health, information on how to access mental health services, information for parents, and how to keep older Australians safe and connected by helping them get established online.

Queensland border closure

To slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Queensland Government is tightening restricted entry into Queensland.

Only Queensland residents, residents of border communities undertaking essential activities and those considered an ‘exempt person’ can cross the border.

New restrictions will apply from 12.01 am Saturday 11 April 2020 that will place further restrictions on people who have been to a COVID-19 hotspot in Australia.

These restrictions provide for the continuation of essential goods and services for Queenslanders. Learn more here.

Apply for a permit here.

Border restriction exemptions for critical resources sector employees

From midnight, Saturday 4 April 2020, Queensland will close its borders to all non-critical resource sector workers to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

This guide outlines the process for preparing and lodging an application for your workers to be considered as exempt critical resources sector employees.

Learn more here.

ABCC Update

As you know, the ABCC’s mandate is to ensure that building work is carried out fairly, efficiently and productively and we are continuing to do that throughout this pandemic. We are receiving COVID-19 related calls and enquiries every day, with the major issues being the Building Code, Wages and Entitlements, general ABCC information and Workplace Health and Safety. Our current priority is servicing all sectors of the industry with advice and assistance throughout this pandemic. We have modified our enforcement priorities accordingly.

Yesterday, we issued our May Industry Update newsletter dedicated to the Building Code.

Our April Industry Update newsletter was dedicated entirely to COVID-19 related issues including a Q&A which your members and/or staff may find useful. You are welcome to share these publications, and reproduce the content within it, we just ask that you credit the ABCC where appropriate.

The latest Industry Update features two videos: Coronavirus and Australia’s Workplace Laws and Tendering for Commonwealth Funded Building Work.

Our members.

Acciona Infrastructure Australia
Bielby Holdings
BMD Constructions
Civil Mining and Construction Pty Ltd
CPB Contractors
Decmil Group Limited
Fulton Hogan
Georgiou Group
JF Hull
John Holland
Martinus Rail Pty Ltd
McConnell Dowell
Samsung C&T Corporation
Seymour Whyte Constructions